The Baldwinsville Girls Soccer Booster Club is a non-profit, unincorporated association that exists to support the involvement of students and student families through funding of all Baldwinsville Girls Soccer programs. The booster club works to achieve its goals through active participation of as many parents as possible in the booster club programs and in concentrated support for the Baldwinsville Girls Soccer program working closely with the coaches, the schools and district athletic director.
Throughout the year, there are many opportunities and ways that families can help support teams, the program and the Boosters. Volunteer!
Concessions Coordinators: Sarah Miller-Locke, Amy Warner
Apparel Coordinator: Michelle Polky
Members at Large: Amy Virginia, Becky Nadzadi, Kim Marano, Kelly Hudson, Jenn Fiello
Booster activities and fundraising help pay for:
Uniform socks, miscellaneous fees (insurance, refs, etc.), team photos, parent buttons, athletic awards scholarships, tournaments, roster cards, programs, poster supplies, warm-ups, banquet, etc.